Camping without AC

Camping without AC

My best friend, Maggie, and I prefer anything that has to do with being out on the water. Boats, jet skis, canoes, and kayaks are among our favorites. Since both of us are single, my associate and I travel all over the glob finding the best locales to be out on the water. Summertime is

Contine Reading

My own control unit in a school dorm

My own control unit in a school dorm

Have you ever thought about how frustrating it must be for school students to have to agree on one temperature to keep the cabin or the dorm? Along with all of the other things that go into living with a bunch of people that you don’t really know all that well, the temperature of the

Contine Reading

Automation system helps with harsh weather challenges

Automation system helps with harsh weather challenges

Living in the northeastern part of the country presents some identifiable challenges. My friend and I get every type of weather extreme. The winter season conditions tend to last for more than six months per year plus bring temperatures well below zero plus feet of snow, but blizzards, sleet, hail plus dangerous wind chills are

Contine Reading

Holding off on emergency AC service

Holding off on emergency AC service

While I love living in Chicago, the weather is a challenge year round. During the winter, we experience an excessive amount of snow, bitter wind chills and temperatures that plummet well into the negatives. Spring and fall are quite unpredictable, varying between sweltering hot and freezing cold. We can typically expect high winds and severe

Contine Reading

The Importance of A/C in a Vehicle

The Importance of A/C in a Vehicle

Waiting is never an straight-forward task, but as my mother always said, “waiting teaches patience.” I absolutely lack in the patience department, & it’s genuinely because I do my easily best to try & make sure that I never have to wait for anything. If I were to name one thing that I think I

Contine Reading

Four More to go and Then I Will Get Out of Bed!

Four More to go and Then I Will Get Out of Bed!

I have to write four more articles this week before I allow myself to do the other things for the morning. I am actually ahead of schedule by about 50 articles right now and want to keep it that way because I am going to be taking a long trip and need to be ahead

Contine Reading

My own thermostat in a university dorm

My own thermostat in a university dorm

Have you ever thought about how discouraging it must be for university students to have to agree on one temperature to keep the home or the dorm? Along with all of the other things that go into residing with a bunch of people that you don’t absolutely know all that well, the temperature of the

Contine Reading

Moisture control solutions

Moisture control solutions

There is a new company in town that I thought was never going to make it. It is called “Cook it up”. Now, this place offers a full commercial kitchen to those who need a large space but don’t have it at home. At first, I thought this was a crazy idea but I was

Contine Reading

Treating myself to some additional air conditioner

Treating myself to some additional air conditioner

I’m really sort of happy to have the Springtime be rolling in the way it is. That’s something that I normally dread because it means that the heat isn’t too far off. My associate and I deal with a pretty formidable heat season that runs from maybe mid May all the way through November. This

Contine Reading

Four More to go plus Then I Will Get Out of Bed!

Four More to go plus Then I Will Get Out of Bed!

I have to write four more articles today before I allow myself to do the other things for the morning. I am undoubtedly ahead of schedule by about 50 articles right now plus want to keep it that way because I am going to be taking a long trip plus need to be ahead of

Contine Reading

I hate the winter but love my heating systems

I hate the winter but love my heating systems

If you ask me there’s really nothing good about the winter time. I really hate the winter. I hate being cold and I hate driving in the snow. I don’t even like playing in the snow. In fact I don’t even think any of my friends or family like the snow. So I really do

Contine Reading

The haunted houses were not air conditioned this time

The haunted houses were not air conditioned this time

The air felt so nice. It is finally my number one time of the year. Halloween is this month. I am so excited for it plus I cannot wait! Last weekend, my friends plus I were so excited to finally be going to the haunted houses again. I drove my friends there, we walked inside

Contine Reading

I caught my house on fire with my propane fireplace

I caught my house on fire with my propane fireplace

Let’s just say that I no longer will be using a propane fireplace. I purchased it a few years ago, plus I used it for the past two winters. It sincerely did a good task of heating the downstairs of my house. It was truly nice having some extra heat, especially during the truly cold

Contine Reading

Beer Making temperatures

Beer Making temperatures

When you decide to take up a interest like beer making there are a lot of things that you need to take into consideration, however like all the people my buddy and I decided to go as well as bought one of those” make your own beer” kits, as well as thought it would be

Contine Reading

Automation system assists with dire weather challenges

Automation system assists with dire weather challenges

Living in the northeastern part of the country presents some recognizable challenges, and my buddy and I get every type of weather extreme, however the winter time conditions tend to last for more than six months per year as well as bring temperatures well below zero as well as feet of snow… Blizzards, sleet, hail

Contine Reading

I caught my apartment on fire with my propane fireplace

I caught my apartment on fire with my propane fireplace

Let’s just say that I no longer will be using a propane fireplace. I bought it a few years ago, and I used it for the past two winters. It truthfully did a great task of heating the downstairs of my house. It was entirely nice having some extra heat, especially while in the entirely

Contine Reading

No A/C after a hurricane

No A/C after a hurricane

I remember when I was 12, a devastating storm hit the neighborhood that I lived in! The neighborhood took a direct hit and a lot of people were out of power for a while, but after a startling evening in the dark, wondering how long the storm would last, the sun finally came out and

Contine Reading

Using a heat pump to really switch from heating to cooling

Using a heat pump to really switch from heating to cooling

I looked out the window sureterday plus it was certainly attractive. It was even quite warm. I turned my heat off for the afternoon, I just dressed a little warmer. I even went for a run outside plus walked the pet. It actually was a great afternoon. I knew that Springtime was on its way

Contine Reading