Thermostat not displaying correct temperature

Thermostat not displaying correct temperature

One humid morning in the middle of the summer, I noticed that my thermostat was not displaying the proper temperature in my house. I knew this because I have a thermometer next to my AC and they were reading wildly different temperatures. I did not want to have to deal with the HVAC technician coming

Contine Reading

Using a heat pump to really switch from heating to cooling

Using a heat pump to really switch from heating to cooling

I looked out the window sureterday plus it was certainly attractive. It was even quite warm. I turned my heat off for the afternoon, I just dressed a little warmer. I even went for a run outside plus walked the pet. It actually was a great afternoon. I knew that Springtime was on its way

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The haunted houses were not air conditioned this time

The haunted houses were not air conditioned this time

It is finally my favorite time of the year. Halloween is this month. I am so excited for it plus I cannot wait! Last weekend, my friends plus I were so excited to finally be going to the haunted houses again. I drove my friends there. My friend and I walked inside plus it made

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Holding off on emergency AC service

Holding off on emergency AC service

While I love living in Chicago, the weather is a challenge year round. During the winter, we experience an excessive amount of snow, bitter wind chills and temperatures that plummet well into the negatives. Spring and fall are quite unpredictable, varying between sweltering hot and freezing cold. We can typically expect high winds and severe

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The old model was less efficient than the new heating upgrade

The old model was less efficient than the new heating upgrade

A customer called to get an estimate on a new heating system upgrade. I need to get a lot of information from the dispatch officer. I was in the area finishing up with a routine maintenance appointment on a gas furnace and my boss asked if I could swing by the Ashtabula, Ohio address to

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Working on the Propane Boiler in Our Camper This week

Working on the Propane Boiler in Our Camper This week

We are residing in a camper now, me and Nikki, as my friend and I travel around with our two other friends doing gigs in other cities. It was my dream to take a campervan around the country and do shows with my bandmate, and now that dream is coming true and my friend and

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The library was uncomfortably cold

The library was uncomfortably cold

I was locked out of my apartment this week. So I had to wait for my bestie to get out of work. I had to wait for him to get out of toil so he could let me in the apartment. I had nothing else to do; But I did end up going to the

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Baking without AC

Baking without AC

I am the cookie monster. I prefer just about every kind of cookie, and if I could eat them for every meal without damaging my health, I would. I don’t mind store bought cookies, however they never seem to compare to fresh homemade ones. I didn’t have an oven for over two years because ours

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a “hot” supper date

a “hot” supper date

As a single father of 3 kids my life is a little hectic! Their Dad plus I divorced about 5 years ago plus I was granted full custody of my kids. The oldest is 10 years aged plus my youngest is 5, so that keeps my life pretty busy on most days, however are precious

Contine Reading

High expectations

High expectations

Ever since our child was little, he has said that he wanted to be an astronaut. He constantly wanted his room decorated in spaceships and my pal and I even had the solar system painted on his ceiling. Once he was in school, he kept this dream alive by applying to space camp in the

Contine Reading

The Importance of A/C in a Vehicle

The Importance of A/C in a Vehicle

Waiting is never an simple task, but as my mother consistently said, “waiting teaches patience.” I legitimately lack in the patience department, and it’s legitimately because I do my entirely best to try and make sure that I never have to wait for anything. If I were to name one thing that I believe I

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I dislike the winter however cherish my boilers

I dislike the winter however cherish my boilers

If you ask me there is unquestionably nothing relaxing about the winter time. I unquestionably dislike the winter. I dislike being freezing as well as I dislike driving in the snow. I do not even like playing in the snow. In fact I do not even guess any of my friends or family like the

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Four More to go and Then I Will Get Out of Bed!

Four More to go and Then I Will Get Out of Bed!

I have to write four more articles this week before I allow myself to do the other things for the morning. I am actually ahead of schedule by about 50 articles right now and want to keep it that way because I am going to be taking a long trip and need to be ahead

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Springtime is coming quickly

Springtime is coming quickly

My HVAC system needs some serious cleaning after a long hard winter I do have to say this winter has been entirely snowy, then i live up in the Northeast as well as my pal and I have earned already 7 feet of total snow, but the snow has been entirely superb for the ski

Contine Reading

Thermostat not displaying regular temperature

Thermostat not displaying regular temperature

One humid day in the middle of the summer, I noticed that my thermostat was not displaying the proper temperature in my house. I knew this because I have a thermometer next to my AC & they were reading wildly weird uneven temperatures. I did not want to have to deal with the Heating &

Contine Reading

High expectations

High expectations

Ever since our child was little, he has said that he wanted to be an astronaut. He consistently wanted his room decorated in spaceships and my great friend and I even had the solar system painted on his ceiling. Once he was in university, he kept this dream alive by applying to space camp in

Contine Reading

No A/C after a hurricane

No A/C after a hurricane

I remember when I was 12, a devastating storm hit the neighborhood that I lived in! The neighborhood took a direct hit and a lot of people were out of power for a while, but after a startling evening in the dark, wondering how long the storm would last, the sun finally came out and

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