a “hot” dinner date

a “hot” dinner date

As a single father of 3 kids my life is a little hectic, however their mom and I divorced about 5 years ago and I was granted full custody of my kids. The oldest is 10 years outdated and my youngest is 5, so that keeps my life pretty tied up on most afternoons, but

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Camping without AC

Camping without AC

My best friend, Maggie, & I savor anything that has to do with being out on the water. Boats, jet skis, canoes, & kayaks are among our favorites. Since both of us are single, my associate and I travel all over the glob finding the best venues to be out on the water. Summertime is

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Moisture control solutions

Moisture control solutions

There is a up-to-date supplier in town that I thought was never going to make it. It is called “Cook it up”. Now, this arena offers a full commercial living room to those who need a large space however don’t have it at home. At first, I thought this was a silly idea however I

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No AC after a hurricane

No AC after a hurricane

I remember when I was 12, a devastating storm hit the town that I lived in, then the town took a direct hit & a lot of people were out of power for a while, and after a horrifying night in the dark, wondering how long the storm would last, the sun finally came out

Contine Reading

My First Job and Heating, Ventilation, and A/C Troubles

My First Job and Heating, Ventilation, and A/C Troubles

My first task was quite the experience. At the age of sixteen, my parents decided that it was time for me to get a task outside the house in order to prepare me physically and financially for school. I readily agreed since I had been wanting to beginning toiling anyways. I applied at several different

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My own thermostat in a college dorm

My own thermostat in a college dorm

Have you ever thought about how frustrating it must be for college students to have to agree on one temperature to keep the house or the dorm? Along with all of the other things that go into living with a bunch of people that you don’t really know all that well, the temperature of the

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Second floor Work Areas Come with A/C Troubles

Second floor Work Areas Come with A/C Troubles

My mother is the kindest, most sentimental lady you’ll ever meet. She is consistently giving of her time and energy to ensure that her family’s as well as anyone else that she comes in contact to needs are met. In the past couple of months, my dad’s health has declined significantly, and unluckyly, he had

Contine Reading

Time to Run the Whole Home Air Purifying System for a Bit

Time to Run the Whole Home Air Purifying System for a Bit

My cousin was cooking some food in the kitchen and kind of burned it entirely bad. I could aroma smoke from the home office where I am working, and now I need to labor on cleaning up the air in this locale. I will just keep the door closed to my room and get my

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The Blessing of having A/C in you Camper

The Blessing of having A/C in you Camper

Jared & I have been married for over forty years now, & my associate and I recently retired. Both of us have always loved to travel as well as to camp. Because of our age, my associate and I aren’t able to go tent camping like my associate and I once could, but my associate

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Heating and A/C savings add up

Heating and A/C savings add up

When I first bought my house years ago there were more than a few “projects” to do. The first couple of years were tough plus trying to keep the house sizzling in the winter time was extremely difficult. This was due mostly to the fact that the windows, doors, plus even the roof were poorly

Contine Reading

Springtime is coming quickly

Springtime is coming quickly

My HVAC system needs some serious cleaning after a long hard winter I do have to say this winter has been entirely snowy, then i live up in the Northeast as well as my pal and I have earned already 7 feet of total snow, but the snow has been entirely superb for the ski

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Shopping in Cold Stores

Shopping in Cold Stores

My sister, Lydia, certainly prefers shopping. She would literally shop everyday if she could afford it. I prefer my sister so much, and although I don’t like shopping as much as she does, I prefer shopping with her because it means more time to spend together. We try to make a habit of shopping and

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Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C savings add up

Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C savings add up

When I first bought my cabin years ago there were more than a few “projects” to do. The first couple of years were taxing as well as trying to keep the cabin moderate in the winter time time was harshly difficult. This was due mostly to the fact that the windows, doors, as well as

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Baking without AC

Baking without AC

I am the cookie monster. I prefer just about every kind of cookie, and if I could eat them for every meal without damaging my health, I would. I don’t mind store bought cookies, however they never seem to compare to fresh homemade ones. I didn’t have an oven for over two years because ours

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The haunted houses were not air conditioned this time

The haunted houses were not air conditioned this time

It is finally my favorite time of the year. Halloween is this month. I am so excited for it plus I cannot wait! Last weekend, my friends plus I were so excited to finally be going to the haunted houses again. I drove my friends there. My friend and I walked inside plus it made

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Can’t Wait for my Yoga and 30 Minute Run Soon

Can’t Wait for my Yoga and 30 Minute Run Soon

I am also going to take a chilly shower afterwards to wake up for the day. I’ll do my yoga routine first and then go for that 30 minute run in the park behind the home here. It is a bit dreary out and I feel it is even raining a bit, however the weather

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My cat has the perfect life

My cat has the perfect life

I know that many people do not like cats and I can’t understand why. They say that they are very independent and only allow you to pet them or give them attention when they decide that they want it. This may be true of some cats but I can tell you that mine is not

Contine Reading

Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C savings add up

Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C savings add up

When I first obtained my household years ago there were more than a few “projects” to do. The first couple of years were taxing and trying to keep the household moderate in the winter season time was seriously difficult. This was due mostly to the fact that the windows, doors, and even the roof were

Contine Reading

I hate the winter but love my heating systems

I hate the winter but love my heating systems

If you ask me there’s really nothing good about the winter time. I really hate the winter. I hate being cold and I hate driving in the snow. I don’t even like playing in the snow. In fact I don’t even think any of my friends or family like the snow. So I really do

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