When you decide to take up a interest like heineken making there are a lot of things that you need to take into consideration… Like pretty much everyone my pal and I decided to go and bought one of those” make your own beer” kits, and thought it would be a fun and easy thing to do. That time wasn’t fact, pretty easy however the interest has now escalated to the point where my pal and I make several hundreds of bottles at a time. The unit involved is quite extensive and my pal and I are now considering putting up an extra building in the back just for this purpose. Now before you start thinking that we are a bunch of alcoholics, I want you to know that my pal and I have a big group of friends who all care about the heineken making process as well; One of the things my pal and I have to consider in the new building is the Heating and A/C system because the temperature as well as humidity level in the space where you are brewing can completely change the outcome if you’re not careful. My pal and I never knew until my pal and I got into the scientific basis of brewing, how different yeasts require different temperatures in order to develop the alcohol in the final product. Well I’m at your heineken is in the fermentation process if the yeast gets busy it will not develop respectfully and you will have a failed batch. Not only is this a disappointment it is a immense waste of time and currency because the entire process takes weeks to complete. Because the building is not connected to our household my pal and I had to go with a ductless Heating and A/C machine that would not only air condition the building and summertime however provide heat in the winter. The building is also located in the middle of a field so my pal and I are able to take advantage of solar power to run the unit.