Automation system helps with severe weather challenges

Automation system helps with severe weather challenges

Living in the northeastern part of the country presents some unique challenges. We get every type of weather extreme. The winter conditions tend to last for more than six months per year and bring temperatures well below zero and feet of snow. Blizzards, sleet, hail and dangerous wind chills are common. The spring and fall

Contine Reading

Automation system assists with dire weather challenges

Automation system assists with dire weather challenges

Living in the northeastern part of the country presents some recognizable challenges, and my buddy and I get every type of weather extreme, however the winter time conditions tend to last for more than six months per year as well as bring temperatures well below zero as well as feet of snow… Blizzards, sleet, hail

Contine Reading

Automation system helps with extreme weather challenges

Automation system helps with extreme weather challenges

Plus, I get reminders when it’s time to schedule service and change filters Living in the northeastern part of the country presents some unique challenges, but my friend and I get every type of weather extreme, then the winter time conditions tend to last for more than six months per year and bring temperatures well

Contine Reading

Automation system helps with severe weather challenges

Automation system helps with severe weather challenges

Living in the northeastern part of the country presents some unique challenges, however we get every type of weather extreme, and the winter time conditions tend to last for more than six months per year plus bring temperatures well below zero plus feet of snow, then blizzards, sleet, hail plus dangerous wind chills are common.

Contine Reading

Automation system helps with harsh weather challenges

Automation system helps with harsh weather challenges

Living in the northeastern part of the country presents some identifiable challenges. My friend and I get every type of weather extreme. The winter season conditions tend to last for more than six months per year plus bring temperatures well below zero plus feet of snow, but blizzards, sleet, hail plus dangerous wind chills are

Contine Reading

My HVAC professional knows his business

My HVAC professional knows his business

It’s interesting who you meet on a golf course. At least, that’s been the case with me all of my adult life. My dad taught me golf because he loved the game but there were other motivations for us getting out of the air conditioning. We’d play lots of golf together and he taught me

Contine Reading

Treating myself to some additional air conditioning

Treating myself to some additional air conditioning

I’m actually sort of excited to have the Spring be rolling in the way it is. That’s something that I normally dread because it means that the heat isn’t too far off. We deal with a pretty formidable heat season that runs from maybe mid May all the way through September. This time of year

Contine Reading

Upgrading the HVAC made all the difference

Upgrading the HVAC made all the difference

My wife and I can sometimes me too stubborn for our own good. We are both the sort who like to find solutions to challenges. And we’re not afraid to get our hands dirty doing it. This might have something to do with just how well we perform inside the zone controlled HVAC of our

Contine Reading

Dusting off the air conditioning playbook

Dusting off the air conditioning playbook

We also make sure that the blinds are pulled so we stop any direct sunlight heating March is here and so is Spring. In this part of the country, we’ve been dealing with dustings of pollen on everything outside for 2 or 3 weeks. And I think I even heard the neighbor’s heat pump running

Contine Reading

Buying a Ductless Mini Split A/C Unit for my Place This Week

Buying a Ductless Mini Split A/C Unit for my Place This Week

It is only January first tomorrow and I am already thinking about buying a unit to keep me cool for the summer. I know that summer is still a long way off, but sometimes if you buy things early when others aren’t you can get some really good deals. I will probably go this week

Contine Reading

Four More to go and Then I Will Get Out of Bed!

Four More to go and Then I Will Get Out of Bed!

I have to write four more articles today before I allow myself to do the other things for the day. I am actually ahead of schedule by about 50 articles right now and want to keep it that way because I am going to be taking a long trip and need to be ahead of

Contine Reading

Can’t Wait for my Yoga and 30 Minute Run Soon

Can’t Wait for my Yoga and 30 Minute Run Soon

I am also going to take a cold shower afterwards to wake up for the day. I’ll do my yoga routine first and then go for that 30 minute run in the park behind the house here. It is a bit dreary out and I think it is even raining a bit, but the weather

Contine Reading

Working on the Propane Boiler in Our Camper Today

Working on the Propane Boiler in Our Camper Today

We are living in a camper now, me and Nikki, as we travel around with our two other friends doing gigs in other cities. It was my dream to take a campervan around the country and do shows with my bandmate, and now that dream is coming true and we are loving every minute of

Contine Reading

Met a Pretty Lady at the Bonfire but Then Got Ghosted

Met a Pretty Lady at the Bonfire but Then Got Ghosted

Maybe I’m too much out of the game at this point or something. I threw a bonfire and this pretty lady showed up and before leaving wanted my Instagram and my phone number. I sent her a message and said it was fun meeting her, nothing more than that, and then all she did was

Contine Reading

Floating Today Like a Cloud in the Sky Way up High

Floating Today Like a Cloud in the Sky Way up High

That is what I feel like after the party last night; like a cloud in the sky. It is pretty funny because today is New Year’s Eve and we are all wiped out from partying too much last night. This is great because tonight we have just a small dinner planned at mom’s house, which

Contine Reading

Treating myself to some additional air conditioner

Treating myself to some additional air conditioner

I’m really sort of happy to have the Springtime be rolling in the way it is. That’s something that I normally dread because it means that the heat isn’t too far off. My associate and I deal with a pretty formidable heat season that runs from maybe mid May all the way through November. This

Contine Reading

My Heating & Air Conditioning professional knows his business

My Heating & Air Conditioning professional knows his business

It’s interesting who you meet on a golf course. At least, that’s been the case with me all of my adult life. My Mom taught me golf because he enjoyed the game however there were other motivations for us getting out of the air conditioner, we’d play lots of golf together & he taught me

Contine Reading

Treating myself to some additional air conditioner

Treating myself to some additional air conditioner

I’ve had the ductless heat pump on a few times although I have yet to legitimately see what it can do once the hot & cold temperatures get up there I’m legitimately sort of excited to have the Springtime be rolling in the way it is. That’s something that I normally dread because it means

Contine Reading

Dusting off the air conditioning playbook

Dusting off the air conditioning playbook

May is here as well as so is Spring. In this part of the country, we’ve been dealing with dustings of pollen on everything outside for 2 or 3 weeks. And I guess I even heard the neighbor’s heat pump running the other afternoon, however but then again, those folks hate the heat with a

Contine Reading

Can’t Wait for my Yoga & 30 Minute Run Soon

Can’t Wait for my Yoga & 30 Minute Run Soon

I am also going to take a cold shower afterwards to wake up for the afternoon. I’ll do my yoga routine first & then go for that 30 minute run in the park behind the home here. It is a bit dreary out & I feel it is even raining a bit, but the weather

Contine Reading