Hot Summers and Cold Winters Call for a good HVAC System

Hot Summers and Cold Winters Call for a good HVAC System

Where I live, the weather is rather drastic. We really only have two seasons when it comes to the weather, and they are summer and winter. The summer weather starts in March and ends in October. Most days it’s in the 90’s, and most nights it doesn’t get cooler than 75 degrees. The winter starts

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Recycling can help save money

Recycling can help save money

This time of year we are very busy at work. Many of the customers we have are looking to tune up or replace their HVAC system before the winter weather sets in and our technicians are working overtime to service those accounts. One disadvantage of this time of year is the amount of money that

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Baking without AC

Baking without AC

I am the cookie monster. I prefer just about every kind of cookie, and if I could eat them for every meal without damaging my health, I would. I don’t mind store bought cookies, however they never seem to compare to fresh homemade ones. I didn’t have an oven for over two years because ours

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My mom bought me a new heater for my birthday

My mom bought me a new heater for my birthday

I loved the space heater that I had, but I dropped it down the stairs a few weeks ago. I am the kind of person who only likes practical gifts. I just really hate any kind of gift that I cannot use in everyday life or at least relatively often. I have been given many

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Working on the Propane Boiler in Our Camper This week

Working on the Propane Boiler in Our Camper This week

We are residing in a camper now, me and Nikki, as my friend and I travel around with our two other friends doing gigs in other cities. It was my dream to take a campervan around the country and do shows with my bandmate, and now that dream is coming true and my friend and

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The Last Day of the Year is Gonna End With a Family Dinner

The Last Day of the Year is Gonna End With a Family Dinner

Mom is having dinner at her home and that is about it as far as the celebrationing goes for New Year’s Eve night, as last night my friend and I had quite a bonfire celebration on the beach till pretty late. This week I am just going to do some writing and then I’ll go

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Floating Today Like a Cloud in the Sky Way up High

Floating Today Like a Cloud in the Sky Way up High

I will talk to the new dealer about that & see what she says about the different types of space boilers on the market now That is what I feel like after the celebration last night; like a cloud in the sky. It is pretty funny because this week is New Year’s Eve & my

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Camping without AC

Camping without AC

My best friend, Maggie, and I prefer anything that has to do with being out on the water. Boats, jet skis, canoes, and kayaks are among our favorites. Since both of us are single, my associate and I travel all over the glob finding the best locales to be out on the water. Summertime is

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The Borders was uncomfortably cold

The Borders was uncomfortably cold

I was locked out of my house this week. So I had to wait for my husbandy to get out of work. I had to wait for him to get out of work so he could let me in the apartment. I had nothing else to do, however but I did end up going to

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I caught my house on fire with my propane fireplace

I caught my house on fire with my propane fireplace

Let’s just say that I no longer will be using a propane fireplace. I purchased it a few years ago, plus I used it for the past two winters. It sincerely did a good task of heating the downstairs of my house. It was truly nice having some extra heat, especially during the truly cold

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Treating myself to some additional air conditioning

Treating myself to some additional air conditioning

I’m actually sort of excited to have the Spring be rolling in the way it is. That’s something that I normally dread because it means that the heat isn’t too far off. We deal with a pretty formidable heat season that runs from maybe mid May all the way through September. This time of year

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Baking without AC

Baking without AC

I am the cookie monster. I love just about every kind of cookie, and if I could eat them for every meal without damaging my health, I would. I don’t mind store bought cookies, but they never seem to compare to fresh homemade ones. I didn’t have an oven for over two years because ours

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Thermostat not displaying regular temperature

Thermostat not displaying regular temperature

One humid day in the middle of the summer, I noticed that my thermostat was not displaying the proper temperature in my house. I knew this because I have a thermometer next to my AC & they were reading wildly weird uneven temperatures. I did not want to have to deal with the Heating &

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My mom bought me a modern heating system for my birthday

My mom bought me a modern heating system for my birthday

I am the kind of person who only enjoys practical gifts. I just entirely hate any kind of gift that I cannot use in everyday life or at least relatively often. I have been given many gifts over the years that I just cannot find a use for, so I end up getting rid of

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Springtime is coming quickly

Springtime is coming quickly

My HVAC system needs some serious cleaning after a long hard winter I do have to say this winter has been entirely snowy, then i live up in the Northeast as well as my pal and I have earned already 7 feet of total snow, but the snow has been entirely superb for the ski

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The Importance of A/C in a Vehicle

The Importance of A/C in a Vehicle

Waiting is never an straight-forward task, however as my mother consistently said, “waiting teaches patience.” I absolutely lack in the patience department, and it’s absolutely because I do my genuinely best to try and make sure that I never have to wait for anything. If I were to name one thing that I think I

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Can’t Wait for my Yoga & 30 Minute Run Soon

Can’t Wait for my Yoga & 30 Minute Run Soon

I am also going to take a cold shower afterwards to wake up for the afternoon. I’ll do my yoga routine first & then go for that 30 minute run in the park behind the home here. It is a bit dreary out & I feel it is even raining a bit, but the weather

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Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C savings add up

Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C savings add up

When I first obtained my household years ago there were more than a few “projects” to do. The first couple of years were taxing and trying to keep the household moderate in the winter season time was seriously difficult. This was due mostly to the fact that the windows, doors, and even the roof were

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