I loved the space heater that I had, but I dropped it down the stairs a few weeks ago.
I am the kind of person who only likes practical gifts. I just really hate any kind of gift that I cannot use in everyday life or at least relatively often. I have been given many gifts over the years that I just cannot find a use for, so I end up getting rid of them. I have tried to tell all of my family that I do not like gifts that aren’t needed or practical, but they don’t seem to get it. The only person who gets me practical gifts that I need is my mom. She understands me even though she is the polar opposite. She prefers anything that isn’t practical. To her, practical gifts aren’t really gifts. She bought me the most practical gift for my birthday this year. She bought me a heater. I was thankful for that heater. I had been needing a new heater ever since I broke mine. My bedroom gets rather chilly at nighttime, so I have to use a heater in there to stay warm. I am not the kind of person who likes my bedroom to be cold. I actually have trouble sleeping when it is cold. I loved the space heater that I had, but I dropped it down the stairs a few weeks ago. It was dented pretty badly, and there was some oil spilling out of it, so I got rid of it. My mom bought me an even nicer heater. I am so glad that someone in my life listens to me and gets me practical gifts.
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