Waiting is never an straight-forward task, however as my mother consistently said, “waiting teaches patience.” I absolutely lack in the patience department, and it’s absolutely because I do my genuinely best to try and make sure that I never have to wait for anything.
If I were to name one thing that I think I need to labor on, it is having patience. My partner’s modern job has certainly been helping me to learn patience. I get out of labor at 4:00 everyday, and he gets out of labor at 5:30, and because my pal and I only have one automobile right now, I have to sit in the parking lot and wait for an hour and a half for him to finish work. The first afternoon was certainly the hardest because, after leaving for work, my partner and I realized that the A/C in the car wasn’t blowing cool air anymore. Of course, my pal and I he didn’t have time to look at it before my pal and I went to work, so that afternoon as I was waiting for him, I had to sit in the car with no AC. It was awful. Eventually, I asked his supervisor if I would sit in my partner’s office with him as he finished up his tasks for the afternoon. She said it would be fine, however not to make a habit of it. Thankfully, the following afternoon was Saturday, and both my partner and I had the afternoon off. All the A/C needed was a charge, and it was blowing frigid air once again. Since then, I have waited at labor for him several times, although I try not to complain because I remember just how agitated it was without AC.