Grandmas hot house

Grandmas hot house

From as long as I can remember, my dad would bring my sister and I over to my grandma’s house for a quick visit. We didn’t stay too long, because she liked to go to sleep very early. I remember the snacks she would give us, and the games we would play. Another thing I

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My Dad bought me a current heater for my birthday

My Dad bought me a current heater for my birthday

I am the kind of lady who only enjoys practical gifts. I just genuinely hate any kind of gift that I cannot use in everyday life or at least relatively often. I have been given several gifts over the years that I just cannot find a use for, so I end up getting rid of

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Camping without AC

Camping without AC

My best friend, Maggie, and I enjoy anything that has to do with being out on the water. Boats, jet skis, canoes, and kayaks are among our number ones. Since both of us are single, my pal and I travel all over the glob finding the best sites to be out on the water. Summertime

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Clean comfort

Clean comfort

Did you ever meet someone who prefers to be at work rather than at home? Well, if you haven’t, let me introduce myself, because I am that person, but you see, my job as a cleaning lady allows me the occasion to escape the heat and humidity that I must put up with at home.

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I need a furnace for my home

I need a furnace for my home

I do a lot of Springtime cleaning by getting rid of items and clothing that I do not need… Not to mention I also take a look at my Heating and Air Conditioning system I do have to say this winter season has been undoubtedly snowy, however i live up in the Northeast and we

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Second floor Work Areas Come with AC Troubles

Second floor Work Areas Come with AC Troubles

My mother is the kindest, most affectionate woman you’ll ever meet. She is always giving of her time and energy to ensure that her family’s and anyone else that she comes in contact to needs are met. In the past couple of months, my dad’s health has declined significantly, and unfortunately, she had to retire.

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What to look for in a central cooling system

What to look for in a central cooling system

Central air conditioning is a priority for my home in Palm Bay, Florida. When I purchased the property, there was a cooling system already installed. It was already quite old, not overly energy efficient and struggled to manage an ideal temperature on especially hot days. Due to the extremely long, hot and humid summers in

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Working on the Propane Boiler in Our Camper Today

Working on the Propane Boiler in Our Camper Today

We are living in a camper now, me and Nikki, as we travel around with our two other friends doing gigs in other cities. It was my dream to take a campervan around the country and do shows with my bandmate, and now that dream is coming true and we are loving every minute of

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Having a heating system in my bathroom is nice

Having a heating system in my bathroom is nice

I used to dread getting up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. That sounds rather funny, but it is true. I hated having to use the restroom in the middle of the night because my bathroom was so cold, and for some reason, the person who built the apartment that I

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Time to Run the Whole Home Air Purifying System for a Bit

Time to Run the Whole Home Air Purifying System for a Bit

My cousin was cooking some food in the dining room & kind of burned it legitimately bad. I could smell smoke from the home office where I am toiling, & now I need to labor on cleaning up the air in this locale. I will just keep the door closed to my room & get

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Thermostat not displaying regular temperature

Thermostat not displaying regular temperature

One humid day in the middle of the summer, I noticed that my thermostat was not displaying the proper temperature in my house. I knew this because I have a thermometer next to my AC & they were reading wildly weird uneven temperatures. I did not want to have to deal with the Heating &

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A sweet aged guy fixed my boiler

A sweet aged guy fixed my boiler

I finally was able to get my boiler fixed… I was not sure if I would ever be able to come up with the money, however thankfully, a truly sweet guy in my church provided to come over plus fix my boiler for me. He is an older gentleman, plus obviously, he was an Heating

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Working on the Propane Boiler in Our Camper Today

Working on the Propane Boiler in Our Camper Today

We are living in a camper now, me & Nikki, as my pal and I travel around with our two other friends doing gigs in other cities. It was my dream to take a campervan around the country & do shows with my bandmate, & now that dream is coming tploy & my pal and

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I caught my condo on fire with my propane fireplace

I caught my condo on fire with my propane fireplace

The fire traveled down the plant plus caught the rug near it on fire. Let’s just say that I no longer will be using a propane fireplace. I obtained it a few years ago, plus I used it for the past two winters. It entirely did a superb job of heating the downstairs of my

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Floating Today Like a Cloud in the Sky Way up High

Floating Today Like a Cloud in the Sky Way up High

I will talk to the new dealer about that & see what she says about the different types of space boilers on the market now That is what I feel like after the celebration last night; like a cloud in the sky. It is pretty funny because this week is New Year’s Eve & my

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Baking without AC

Baking without AC

I am the cookie monster. I love just about every kind of cookie, and if I could eat them for every meal without damaging my health, I would. I don’t mind store bought cookies, but they never seem to compare to fresh homemade ones. I didn’t have an oven for over two years because ours

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I purchased a brand new heater last week

I purchased a brand new heater last week

I love getting new things, then i suppose that I am addicted to getting new things which is not good, however my husband helps curb my spending habits. I have really gotten better since my buddy and I have been married, but before my buddy and I were married, I was always buying things plus

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The library was uncomfortably cold

The library was uncomfortably cold

I was locked out of my apartment this week. So I had to wait for my bestie to get out of work. I had to wait for him to get out of toil so he could let me in the apartment. I had nothing else to do; But I did end up going to the

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Thermostat not displaying correct temperature

Thermostat not displaying correct temperature

One humid morning in the middle of the summer, I noticed that my thermostat was not displaying the proper temperature in my house. I knew this because I have a thermometer next to my AC and they were reading wildly different temperatures. I did not want to have to deal with the HVAC technician coming

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Working on the Propane Boiler in Our Camper This week

Working on the Propane Boiler in Our Camper This week

We are living in a camper now, me and Nikki, as we travel around with our two other friends doing gigs in other cities. It was my dream to take a campervan around the country and do shows with my bandmate, and now that dream is coming tploy and we are affectionate every minute of

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