There is a new company in town that I thought was never going to make it. It is called “Cook it up”. Now, this place offers a full commercial entryway to those who need a substantial space however don’t have it at home. At first, I thought this was a crazy idea despite the fact that I was surprised to find that many people are using the facility. You pay by the hour and need to bring all your own food, but, they give all of the appliances, cooking utensils and even have a professional chef on staff to help you with techniques you may not understand. This place lets people do things like canning, substantial baking projects, or even Holiday food prep separate from making a mess in their own site. I was there with friends making jam and jelly Last year and I observed something undoubtedly interesting… All of the steam produced from the boiling pots didn’t heat up the room and make it muggy like it did when I tried cooking like that at home. In fact, the place stayed cool and comfortable even though we were boiling huge pots of water on the stove. The windows didn’t steam up or drip water like mine did either. The staff member said that they had a powerful Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C system with an added dehumidifier that made sure all the clients were comfortable. They also had a huge filtration unit to detach the odors from the facility. This meant that we could be cooking jam and another group could be cooking seafood, stews, or roasting meat, and the smells would not clash, however now that I have undoubtedly been to the site, I hope that they are in corporation for a long time. I don’t think that the idea is as crazy as I once did either.