There was no way that I was going to be able to pay the HVAC technician to fix my furnace.
Honestly, my furnace couldn’t have stopped working at the worst time in the world. My husband had just left me, and he was the one that always fixed my furnace when it stopped working. We have always been poor, and we have never been able to afford an HVAC technician. I also just lost my good job, and I am working at a minimum-wage job until I can get back on my fit. I had to move from my nice house into my smaller apartment so that I could afford to eat, but the apartment came with an old furnace that I was responsible to repair when it broke. When it seemed like nothing could get worse, the furnace stopped working. I called an HVAC company because I had no other option. The HVAC company explained that an HVAC technician would explain the problem, and after that, I could choose to have the HVAC technician fix it once I knew the price. However, I knew right away that I wouldn’t be able to afford the HVAC repair. Still, I had the HVAC technician inspect my furnace, and as I feared, I knew that I couldn’t afford it. However, I called the owner of the HVAC company, and I begged him to let me pay back the HVAC bill in payments, and I was very thankful that he agreed. I don’t know what I would have done without my furnace. I know that I would have been cold.