I cherish getting new things! I feel that I am addicted to getting new things which is not good, however my partner helps curb my spending habits.
I have easily gotten better since we have been married… Before we were married, I was constantly buying things plus getting myself into debt.
I bought things that I would never use just because they looked cool, then my sweet partner truly went through a financial program with me before we got married to help me learn how to spend plus save money wisely. I do not know what I would have done without him, however we have been out of debt for years now, plus it is so freeing, however now, I know how much I can spend each month without having to worry about getting us into financial troubles, and this month, I decided that I wanted to buy a heater, our guest study room gets pretty chilly during the fall plus winter months, so I decided that buying a space heating system for that room was absolutely a great idea since we have guest stay at our cabin quite often. The heating system that I got was a little more lavish than what I was hoping, however it was a great brand, plus hopefully, it will last for several years. My partner was so impressed by the heating system plus how nice it was. I cherish spending money on new things, although I have also learned to spend my money on things that I need or want easily badly instead of just impulse buying things that I will never use.