The Blessing of having A/C in you Camper

The Blessing of having A/C in you Camper

Jared and I have been married for over forty years now, and my pal and I recently retired. Both of us have consistently enjoyed to travel in addition to to camp. Because of our age, my pal and I aren’t able to go tent camping like my pal and I once could, but my pal

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a “hot” dinner date

a “hot” dinner date

As a single father of 3 adolescents my life is a little hectic, however their mom and I divorced about 5 years ago and I was granted full custody of my adolescents. The oldest is 10 years aged and my youngest is 5, so that keeps my life pretty tied up on most days, but

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I had to call a professional plumbing repair last weekend

I had to call a professional plumbing repair last weekend

Last weekend, I had a bunch of issues with the plumbing in my dining room and I ended up having to call a local professional plumbing repair supplier to come and repair things for me. I never actually thought that I was going to be one of those people who had to call a professional

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Heating and A/C savings add up

Heating and A/C savings add up

When I first bought my house years ago there were more than a few “projects” to do. The first couple of years were tough plus trying to keep the house sizzling in the winter time was extremely difficult. This was due mostly to the fact that the windows, doors, plus even the roof were poorly

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Restaurants are too Cold

Restaurants are too Cold

Bob and I have a date night every Monday night. Last week, was entirely special because my pal and I were celebrating our fifth birthday birthday. I bought a gorgeous current dress and some nice current jewelry to go with it. My fiance made reservations at our number one eating establishment in addition to at

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winter time Camp with No Heat

winter time Camp with No Heat

Ted Mavric is one of the nicest boys you will ever meet. He owns a sizable portion of land up North, and he opens his land for winter time camp each year. Ted even used his own finances to build twenty weird cottages throughout his property for the campers to stay in. My family and

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I work for a professional plumbing service

I work for a professional plumbing service

Back when I was a kid, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. I used to suppose that I wanted to grow up and go to college and that I would be a guy who wears a fancy suit and drives a fancy car to work everyday; However, all that

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winter season Camp with No Heat

winter season Camp with No Heat

Ted Mavric is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet. He owns a large portion of land up North, and he opens his land for winter season camp each year. Ted even used his own finances to build twenty different cabins throughout his household for the campers to stay in. My family and

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Met a Pretty Lady at the Bonfire but Then Got Ghosted

Met a Pretty Lady at the Bonfire but Then Got Ghosted

Maybe I’m too much out of the game at this point or something. I threw a bonfire plus this pretty lady showed up plus before leaving wanted my Instagram plus my phone number. I sent her a message plus said it was fun meeting her, nothing more than that, plus then all she did was

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Ductless system features inverter technology

Ductless system features inverter technology

My house has undergone a lot of renovations over the years. Walls have been taken down to open up the floorplan. A screened-in porch was enclosed to make more living space. Windows were added, doors sealed off and French doors installed to a deck in the backyard. None of these changes took into consideration the

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Checking out modern heating system features

Checking out modern heating system features

While a new furnace is a major expense, it’s also an opportunity to make a big improvement. When my husband and I purchased our home in Ashtabula, Ohio, the heating system was already installed. It was several years old and had not been properly maintained. Because the heating system remained operational, we were reluctant to

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Springtime is on the way plus so is an annual Springtime tune up

Springtime is on the way plus so is an annual Springtime tune up

I checked the local forecast for this week’s weather. It seems like Springtime is finally on the way! It looks like temperatures are starting to rise. These temperatures are ones my friend and I have not yet seen since the fall. It is getting me all excited. It is even putting me in a much

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The Importance of A/C in a Vehicle

The Importance of A/C in a Vehicle

Waiting is never an straight-forward task, however as my mother consistently said, “waiting teaches patience.” I absolutely lack in the patience department, and it’s absolutely because I do my genuinely best to try and make sure that I never have to wait for anything. If I were to name one thing that I think I

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Baking without AC

Baking without AC

I am the cookie monster. I prefer just about every kind of cookie, and if I could eat them for every meal without damaging my health, I would. I don’t mind store bought cookies, however they never seem to compare to fresh homemade ones. I didn’t have an oven for over two years because ours

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We need some professional plumbing services for our church

We need some professional plumbing services for our church

I go to a fairly sizable church downtown and my associate and I have a whole lot of members; On Sunday mornings my associate and I have anywhere between 300 to 400 people per service, in other words, I suppose you could say that there are a lot of people using plumbing services at our

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I purchased a brand new boiler last week

I purchased a brand new boiler last week

My partner was so impressed by the boiler and how nice it was I appreciate getting new things, but i believe that I am addicted to getting new things which is not good, however my partner helps curb my spending habits. I have particularly gotten better since we have been married, and before we were

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The Importance of A/C in a Vehicle

The Importance of A/C in a Vehicle

Waiting is never an straight-forward task, but as my mother always said, “waiting teaches patience.” I absolutely lack in the patience department, & it’s genuinely because I do my easily best to try & make sure that I never have to wait for anything. If I were to name one thing that I think I

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I hate the winter but love my heating systems

I hate the winter but love my heating systems

If you ask me there’s really nothing good about the winter time. I really hate the winter. I hate being cold and I hate driving in the snow. I don’t even like playing in the snow. In fact I don’t even think any of my friends or family like the snow. So I really do

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High expectations

High expectations

The Heating and A/C system on a spacecraft must recirculate the air, introduce the needed oxygen, unlink unwanted gases like carbon dioxide, and control humidity levels. Ever since our kid was little, he has said that he wanted to be an astronaut. He always wanted his room decorated in spaceships and we even had the

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Dusting off the air conditioning playbook

Dusting off the air conditioning playbook

May is here as well as so is Spring. In this part of the country, we’ve been dealing with dustings of pollen on everything outside for 2 or 3 weeks. And I guess I even heard the neighbor’s heat pump running the other afternoon, however but then again, those folks hate the heat with a

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We had to get our gas boiler repaired in Terrell, TX

We had to get our gas boiler repaired in Terrell, TX

Last year, whenever the weather started cooling off outside, my pal and I noticed that there was something wrong with our gas boiler in our home. We have been living here in Terrell, TX for a long time, however my pal and I have never had to get a boiler repair before… Finding a boiler

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My own thermostat in a college dorm

My own thermostat in a college dorm

Have you ever thought about how frustrating it must be for college students to have to agree on one temperature to keep the house or the dorm? Along with all of the other things that go into living with a bunch of people that you don’t really know all that well, the temperature of the

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