A sweet old man fixed my furnace

A sweet old man fixed my furnace

I finally was able to get my furnace fixed.

I was not sure if I would ever be able to come up with the money, but thankfully, a very sweet man in my church offered to come over and fix my furnace for me.

He is an older gentleman, and apparently, he was an HVAC technician back in the day. He said that the new furnaces nowadays are a little different, but he was still able to fix mine just fine. I am so thankful that I have such a wonderful church family. They are truly a huge blessing to me. I have a working furnace now, and my house is so warm. It had been quite chilly for some time, but I don’t have to worry about that anymore. I offered to pay the man for fixing my furnace, but he would not take any money at all. He said that he was happy to fix my furnace for me. My furnace needed a part replaced, and he bought the part that is needed before he even told me that it needed a new part. He would not let me even pay for the part. He is such a sweet old man, and I don’t know what I would have done without him. I guess I would be living in a very cold house. My son walked into the house last night, and he commented on how warm the house was. He was so excited that he didn’t have to wear a hat and gloves to bed anymore because the house was so warm. He told me that he is writing a thank you card to the man who fixed our furnace to thank him for our warm house.


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