We are living in a camper now, me and Nikki, as we travel around with our two other friends doing gigs in other cities. It was my dream to take a campervan around the country and do shows with my bandmate, and now that dream is coming true and we are loving every minute of it. I never thought I would be a musician in a band after doing comedy for so many years, but sometimes life throws you a curveball that you never saw coming. I play drums and he plays guitar and we both sing. The heating device in the van has broken down though, so our dream has to be patched up so that we can all stay warm in this thing. I think I know what is wrong with it and hopefully my HVAC tech bandmate can help me fix it. I am pretty good at fixing things myself, but this is a bit more difficult and I hope that the two of us can get to the bottom of it soon. The weather is getting pretty cold as we head north into the mountains to do some shows at ski resorts. We need the gas heating system to be working so we have a functional hot water boiler again and can take warm showers. I don’t mind taking a cold shower but the ladies are not so fond of 50F water being sprayed all over their bodies. I think there is something wrong with the heating system gas lines and I think we can fix it with the tools we have in the van.