It is finally my favorite time of the year.
Halloween is this month.
I am so excited for it and I cannot wait! Last weekend, my friends and I were so excited to finally be going to the haunted houses again. I drove my friends there. We walked inside and it made us even more excited to be there. At first we did not realize over our excited. We realized how warm the haunted houses were. They were all in one building and we just could not believe how stuffy and hot it felt. It is usually pretty warm but not this warm. We were all starting to sweat. We weren’t sure if that was a part of the haunted house this year. As we walked in further, we noticed that there was a sign that told us the HVAC system was broken. They had fans running that you could stand near if you were really warm. It was just moving the air around however. We were really frustrated that the HVAC system was not operating. In a building like this they should have maintenance done on it regularly. We went through all of the houses and finally ran outside to my car. The air felt so nice. If they were going to open the haunted houses they really should have found a way to repair the HVAC system sooner or not open. The workers in there had makeup running down their faces from sweating and the effect was not the same. They really need to think more carefully next time.