Have you ever thought about how discouraging it must be for university students to have to agree on one temperature to keep the home or the dorm? Along with all of the other things that go into residing with a bunch of people that you don’t absolutely know all that well, the temperature of the home is bound to be one of the things you will disagree about.
When I was in university, I shared a home with 5 other girls.
That was 6 girls that were there pretty much all the, from all weird regions in the world, that had to agree on one temperature. There was a argument at least once a week about how the thermostat should be set to a certain temperature. There was typically a weird argument about why it should be this way. Some girls were tepid sleepers, some were typically cold, some of the girls were convinced that the thermostat being set at a certain temperature would be saving them loads of money to blow on the weekends. However, no matter how tepid or frosty we made the house, we typically ended up paying around the same amount in telengry costs each month. The fights became too much for me to handle, so I decided to get a dorm on campus. I figured that the dorm residing would be a better locale for me to learn & meet modern friends. I ended up having my own thermostat in my door & was able to control the temperature of my own room.